El maestro

Comment peut-on être professeur aujourd'hui ?




As the lights come up it will gradually become possible to make out a blackboard, a desk and a teacher’s chair. A man approaches, a briefcase in his hand. He observes his audience, smiling. In the old days… In the old days, you would have stood up. People always stood up when I came into a room. In the old days. In my… former life. I would have taken you in with a sweeping semi-circular glance, and then I would have said: “Sit down”. And in your heads, each one of you would have applauded, in a respectful silence, thinking: ‘God has arrived’. In the old days, they were all believers; that made things easier. At least, I thought so. Today, you’ve come to the theatre… because there was nothing on telly? Or to keep your wife happy? Or perhaps you were invited by friends? Your boss? For a works do? Or because you got free tickets? Maybe…? But no; I know very well why you’ve come. I’m asking you tonight just like I ask the audience every night… but I know perfectly well that you haven’t come to the theatre to see a play. You’ve come to see a monster…You’ve come to see the monster! In the past, I would have been put on show in public places… chained up. I would have been exhibited, open to contempt by all and sundry. In an iron cage. With a sign: ‘This man is a monster’.